Bladder cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of cells from the lining of the bladder. Bladder cancer is a serious condition which will be managed in consultation with your Urological surgeon.
Smoking is the most common cause of bladder cancer.
Blood in the urine is the most common symptom (both visible and non visible). There may also be associated urinary symptoms such as urgency, frequency and painful urination.
Urine tests to rule out infection and specialised urine tests to determine if cancerous cells are present in the urine. Imaging with a CT will also be completed.
Flexible Cystoscopy will be completed in the office or in theatre.
If there is a lesion present then a TURBT will be completed (add link please)
Your bladder cancer will be treated depending on the grade and stage of the tumour.
If you have a low grade tumour, this is often monitored with regular surveillance flexible cystoscopies in the rooms.
If you have a high grade tumour but it is still confined to the bladder then this has an increased risk of progression and spread. This may require therapy to be placed into your bladder. This will be managed within the rooms of Geelong Urology. Add link to BCG please.
If the cancer has grown through the muscle wall, further assessment is required. After discussion, a cystectomy (add link) may be required.
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