Epididymal cysts, or sometimes known as spermatocele are fluid filled sacs that develop in the epididymis (where the sperm from the testis collect before moving along the vas). They occur for a number of reasons but are always benign (non-cancerous) and generally cause mild discomfort only. They may vary in size from several millimetres to many centimeters.
It may feel like a scrotal lump either found on a physical examination by your doctor or discovered by self-inspection of the scrotum and testicles. They are generally felt separately to the testicle. A lump within the testicle itself is much more concerning and it could represent testicular cancer. If you feel a lump within the testicle please see your GP or urologist.
Epididymal cyst symptoms: –
How it is diagnosed – It can be diagnosed with a simple ultrasound to the scrotum. This will also look at the testicles to ensure that they are normal in appearance to exclude testicular cancer.
Treatment of – In most cases, no intervention is required once the diagnosis of an Epididymal cyst has been made. If the cyst becomes very large or is causing symptoms, it is possible to remove it with a small procedure.
Excision of an Epididymal cyst is a day procedure. It is performed under general anaesthetic and is relatively a quick procedure. The surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum to excise the cyst and the wound will be closed using dissolving sutures.
An alternative to open surgery is to drain the fluid with a needle under ultrasound guidance. Both procedures are effective the short term, but the cysts are much more likely to reoccur back after the needle drainage.
Potential risks / side effects: –
NOTIFY GEELONG UROLOGY if you experience any of the following
You will need an appointment for approximately 6 weeks after your surgery. If an appointment time is not given to you on discharge from hospital, you will need to phone Geelong Urology to make an appointment with your surgeon.
Geelong Urology 03 5229 9105 during business hours
Or leave a message on the After-Hours Urology Paging Service 03 9387 1000