Pelvo-Ureteric Junction (PUJ) Obstruction

An obstruction of the PUJ is when the kidney makes urine faster than it can be drained through the renal pelvis into the ureter. This causes urine to pool within the kidney and causes the kidney to swell (hydronephrosis).

This can be a congenital condition or due to previous surgery.  You will require further investigation with a dedicated renal Ct scan and a MAG3 scan, which assesses the function and drainage of your kidney.

If you are symptomatic from this, or there is deterioration of your renal function, then you will most likely require a robotically assisted pyeloplasty.

Some of the conditions we treat

Urological Cancers

Blood in Urine (Haematuria)

Enlarged prostate (Benign prostatic hypertrophy)

Kidney Stones

Pelvo-Ureteric Junction (PUJ) Obstruction

Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Erectile Dysfunction

Your First Appointment

New Patient Form

Prior To Your Appointment

Hospital Information

Flow Rate & Bladder Scan Instructions

Bladder Diary Instructions